[Florida Audubon Society


Lake Wales, Florida

Meetings and Activities

The Ridge Audubon offers regular membership meetings, as well as evening 'Audubon Nighthawk' meetings, and a variety of facinating field trips and special events.

General Meetings

Annual Meeting and Kaucher Award Dinner

Monday, April 13, 1998
6:00 p.m.

The Annual Meeting and Dinner took place at the First United Methodist Church Hall, 230 N. 5th Avenue, Lake Wales. Elections of officers, and the presentation of the Kaucher Award was included in the program. This year's recipient was Dr. Paul Fellers, noted conservationist and bird authority. The Kaucher Award is presented annually for "Outstanding Service to the Community."

The chapter membership and guests enjoyed the covered-dish dinner, and a keynote address by Luther Parrot, executive director of the Green Horizons Land Trust.

We will post information here regarding future meetings and special events, and encourage you to plan to attend out next annual meeting, as a guest, or member!

Audubon Nighthawks Series

May Meeting

Tuesday, May 12, 1998
6:30-8:30 p.m.

This casual meeting will feature special guest Mike Deuver, a wetlands expert and ecologist at the Disney Wilderness Preserve.

Audubon Field Trips

Armington Ranch

Monday, April 6, 1998
8:00 a.m.

Meet at the main gate of the Armington Ranch, located on Boy Scout Road, eight miles east of Lake Wales, just north of SR 60. We will tour this facinating habitat, then go on to River Ranch for a look at resident Sandhill Cranes, and possibly a Whooping Crane or two. For additional information, phone the center at 941/638-1355.

Audubon Planning Session

Audubon Nature Center, Babson Park

Wednesday, May 6, 1998
4:00-6:00 p.m.

Help to plan our coming season, and design a new brochure about our programs. Bring your calendar, and your ideas.

Audubon Board of Directors Meetings

Audubon Nature Center, Babson Park

Thursday, May 7, 1998
7:00 p.m.

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  PAGE URL: http://www.polk-county.com/portfolio/Polk-County/audubon/meetings.shtml
COMMENTS, ETC: webmaster@polk-county.com
LAST UPDATED: Wednesday, 14-Sep-2005 13:24:41 EDT
(C)1997, 1998 POLK-COUNTY.COM