Welcome to Robert Connors for Polk County Commission On-Line Campaign Headquarters
Here you can find information critical to the important choice facing every Polk County voter in 1998. As taxpayers, we cannot afford to allow political in-fighting and personal vendettas disrupt the work of government. Robert Connors is determined to advance an agenda for change in Bartow.
Connors supports:
- A renewed spirit of cooperation on the commission, and an emphasis on working together
- Re-ordering priorities for lean, efficient county government, using existing revenues
- An increased focus on improving parks and recreation for youth and families
- A solid road maintenance and improvement program, without sales taxes
- An organized program of sidewalk construction in school areas
- Improved and sustained funding for our county-wide library system
- An end to "spot zoning" and intrusive commercial building in residential neighborhoods
- Rapid adoption of a balanced Unified Development Code
- Strengthened maintenance codes and enforcement
- Development of a curbside recycling program
- Continued air quality monitoring and protection
- Attention to protecting Polk's threatened land and water resources
Connors opposes:
- Additional sales taxes, or property tax increases
- Continued wasting of tax dollars on vendettas and witch-hunts
- Continued personal attacks by commissioners on each other, and other public officials
Robert Connors is the best choice to help set a forward-looking agenda for Polk County as we enter a new century. He has proven himself capable and consistent,
just when we need these qualities the most.
This is a county-wide election, open to all voters. We invite your support.
Thursday, May 28, 8:00 p.m.
Robert will be the special guest host of Polk County's own chat forum, the Front Porch. Step onto the
virtual front porch at www.polk-county.com, and pull up a chair. There you can discuss issues that are important
to you, and share your ideas with the candidate in real time.
Please read Robert's open letter to the voters of Polk County
Essays on the State of the County
Biographical Information on Robert Connors
Upcoming events -- Volunteer meetings, campaign appearances, voter petition drive, more
Logo Shirts and Stickers -- Sharp sport shirts, clever campaign tees, and great stickers
Voter Survey and information sheet
Visit the Polk Democratic Party web site
Send email to Robert Connors
Visit at www.polk-county.com
A comprehensive guide to area resources
Paid political advertisement, paid for and approved by Robert Connors campaign fund.