PO Box 89, Lake Wales, FL 33859-0089

An open letter to the voters of Polk County:

You have a big stake in the outcome of the next election: it will determine whether Polk continues to flounder, without a discernible sense of direction, or begins to formulate definable objectives and move steadily toward them.

As citizens, we face a host of serious challenges: from complex issues like coastal demands for Polk's ground water, to seemingly simple problems like a lack of sidewalks for school children. We need to make a serious start to pave the many miles of clay roads in the county, and confront rapid growth before it destroys our quality of life. These and other challenges must be met, using all the talent and technology at our disposal.

Because of these challenges, and at the urging of friends and supporters across the county, I have re-entered the political arena. My past successful experience in county government leaves me well prepared to tackle the challenges ahead. I cannot, however, succeed without the active support and participation of the citizens.

I invite you to become involved in the issues of importance to Polk County. Learn what you can do to make a difference, and help to reshape your small part of the world. Take a moment to complete the response form below. I welcome and need your input on the issues, and I welcome you to join our efforts. I will personally respond to your e-mail, and I look forward to hearing from you.

- Robert
Robert Connors



Our Most Important Choices...
Your opinions are important to our campaign, and the role of local government in the future. Please print this page and mark those issues which you consider most important from the following list. You are welcome to add add additional comments in the spaces provided.

_____ Improved code enforcement
_____ Investment in children's programs
_____ Lower ad valorem tax rate
_____ Improvements to the county road network
_____ Improved recreation opportunities / more county parks
_____ Crime prevention and intervention programs
_____ Increased jail capacity
_____ Monitoring and enforcement of air quality standards
_____ Protection of endangered environmental lands
_____ Improved planning for growth
_____ Removal of visual blight, and regulation of roadside billboards
_____ Improvement of the business climate
_____ Protection of water resources
_____ Curbside recycling program
_____ County-wide library system

Please provide the following information:
NAME ____________________________________________
ADDRESS _________________________________________
CITY, STATE ZIP ___________________________________
PHONE ___________________________________________

I believe that we face special challenges in the following area(s):

Please print out, complete, and send to:

    Robert Connors Campaign Fund
    PO Box 89
    Lake Wales, FL 33859-0089

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Paid political advertisement, paid for by Robert Connors campaign fund.