[ Flat Free Home Page ] Installing Flat Free from 5 Gallon Pails

Installation Instructions
[ Diagram of 5 gallon Pump ]
Installing Flat Free from 5 gallon pails is quick and easy. It takes just minutes to permanently treat the tires on a vehicle. In most cases, there is no need to completely deflate the tire, because the injection pump will pump against normal automotive tire pressure

  1. Prime pump before installing in vehicle to insure an exact amount is installed in the tire. Make sure nozzle is attached to container so liquid returns to the container.
  2. Set adapter (A) on proper amount to be installed in tires, based on chart.
  3. Remove valve core from tire and allow to deflate.
  4. Attach Quick Disconnect Valve to tire valve, pull pump handle up all the way (make sure adaptor is on correct amount for tire) then press pump handle down.
  5. Remove Quick Disconnect Valve from tire, replace the valve core and inflate to proper tire pressure based on recommended manufacturers requirements.

Installation Amounts Per Tire
Tire TypeAmt to Inst.Tire TypeAmt to Inst.
Bicycles4 oz.Trailer Tires 6.90-12 size8 oz.
Riding Mowers Front8 oz.Trailer Tires 8.25x1516 oz.
Riding Mower Rear16 oz.Truck, Van, Motor Home* 15" & 16" rims8 oz.
Golf Carts16 oz.Automobile Tires* 13& & 14" rims5 oz.
Motorcycles* 4.50-18 size8 oz.Automobile Tires* 15" & 16" rims6 oz.
ATV32 oz.  

Please see dealer's chart for sizes not listed and for non-automotive applications.

* Automobile, motorcycle, van, truck, and motor home tires must be balanced prior to installation.

Flat Free Retail Kit Installation Instructions
Flat Free Installation Amounts
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ASI, Inc.

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