[ Flat Free Home Page ] Distributor Pictures From Around The World

American Sealant International has Flat Free distributors and private labelers all over the world. They're proud of what they do, and they do it well. We are pleased to present these snapshots of some of their activities and displays.

Please click on the thumbnail pictures to get a larger view.

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  1. Spanish Flat Free Poster
  2. Arabic Flat Free Poster
  3. American Flat Free Poster. There is also an Adobe Acrobat version of this poster. (PDF File, 129K)

Dominican Republic - NEW!

This store in Santo Domingo offers Flat Free and other automobile safety products.

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4. 5.
Secudis offers a variety of formulations and products for various applications, including Automobiles (1,5), Motorcycles (3,4), and general purposes (2).

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4. 5.
Our Australian Private labeler for Puncture Proof, Ming, at a show in Australia (1-3, 5). Display outside the show hall (4).

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Our Turkish distributor for Flat Free at a show (1-3). Turkish Flat Free brochure (4).

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4. 5.

  1. Flat Seal goes to the races. Team Flat Seal has been posting great results all over South and Central America
  2. The Flat Seal race car in the garage just before the big race
  3. The Flat Seal race car receives a final inspection before the race
  4. Some of the Flat Seal ladies take a break from the hot Argentina sun under an umbrella
  5. Three of the lovely Flat Seal ladies talk to the crowd

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3. 4.

  1. Flat Free Brazil show display
  2. The outside of one of the many Flat Free tire service stores in Brazil
  3. Flat Free brochure cover from Brazil
  4. Inside the shop, everything is neat and tidy as the car on the left has Flat Free installed


  1. Flat Free Greece Brochure Cover

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  1. Our private labeler in Indonesia is having great success with his product. This is his outdoor show display.
  2. Indonesia also has car shows to demonstrate new products for that market. This is the show display for our private labeler in Indonesia.

We've got other great photos coming from distributors form around the world. Please check this page again soon.

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ASI, Inc.

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