Now providing IT & Computer Services
to individuals and small businesses
in New Braunfels, TX and surrounding areas

Welcome to

This is the internet site of IT and Computer Professional Chris Mospaw, based in New Braunfels, Texas.

This site has two main sections as shown below: information for for people and businesses who need Computer and IT Services and information for those who are looking to employ me full time.

Personal and Small Business
Computer & IT Services

I am happy to provide pretty much any service you might need.

From personal computer issues and updates to more complex networking design and setup. No matter your need and the level of help required, I am here to assist you.

Interested in Hiring Me?

I bring decades of tech experience, design, programming, and management to the table. I have broad and deep experience that I bring to any job. Do you have an interesting role I can fill for you? Reach out and let me know!

My dual certifications (CSPO and CSM) confirm my expertise.

I invite you to reach out...

I would love to discuss how I can help you or your business get the most out of technology.

My contact info page allows you to reach out via email, phone, text, contact form, or even schedule an appointment directly. Reach out today, and I'll help make your tomorrow a better one.