Technical Product Owner and Manager w/dev experience
Who is this guy?
I am Chris Mospaw. and my work experience in the past twenty or so years has been in the tech world, specifically around web application development and managing the projects and teams that do it. I am currently seeking a role as a Technical Program / Product / Project Manager, but capable of filling many similar roles.
Some of the other positions I have held in the past include magazine editor, used car salesman, graphic artist, newspaper production manager (and reporter), corporate trainer, typesetter, system administrator, web designer, computer programmer, and maître d' of a steakhouse for one night.
How and Why I got into "the Internet"
After being prompted by in the late 1990's by one of my graphic arts and design clients to do "that internet and web thing", I learned basic HTML and enjoyed being able to integrate the print design I was doing into this new platform. Initially, web development was a slow, cumbersome, very manual process.
One of the employees at the hosting company my client used showed me a neat new thing called "PHP/FI" that allowed a web site to be broken into various small pieces very easily. PHP/FI grew into PHP and from to around 2018, I grew as a programmer, web developer, and web application architect,.
I then moved into managing the products and teams I had previously been doing developmetn work with. Along the way, I even got Certified Scrum Product Owner and Certified Scrum Master certifications. Today I am looking help manage the people who produce amazing technical products of any kind.
What's on this site?
This site contains a little bit of everything about my professional life, including my current resume and experience, some of my older web work and portfolio the tools I use, how to get in touch, and even some old posts from a while back.
My more personal blog is called "Thoughts" and lives on its own site.
Where am I now?
In October 2021, I started as a Technical Product Manager / Scrum Master at Pagely. Three weeks later, GoDaddy bought Pagely, I was made a Sr. Technical Project Manager III, and promoted to Technical Program Manager IV a few months later. I left GoDaddy in April 2024.
I am currently open to discussing new opportunities and would love to talk if you have something.